Hello! My name is Ivana and I’ve been teaching online for over 3 years. I work for VIPKid as an Online ESL Teacher and Mock Class Mentor, as well as teaching at GoGokid.

Previously, I taught middle school Spanish for two years and then worked as a Home and Hospital Teacher/did in-person private tutoring for a few more years until transitioning to online-only work.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Education, and I also enjoy art and mindfulness – all of which I incorporate into teaching and this page.

This job has improved my life in a multitude of ways by providing more autonomy, flexibility, and being able to work in a way that’s compatible with my schedule and personality.

As an introvert, I struggled to maintain enough energy to effectively engage groups of students all day. Once I realized how many different work options out there for passionate educators, I wanted to start sharing my insights and research with you all!

If you’re looking for community and advice on how to find your niche in nontraditional education, ways to practice mindfulness in and outside of the classroom, reward and prop ideas, and other similar topics, don’t hesitate to DM me or email introvertedonlineteacher@gmail.com!

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  • The Introverted Online Teacher